These notes commemorate the country’s 25th anniversary of neutrality, celebrated on 12 December 2020. The new notes are like the preceding regular issues dated 2012 – 2014, but with a special commemorative logo at left front of two flags, a dove, the globe, above the phrase “Turkmenistan: A Land ofRead More…

According to Turkmenistan Today, the State News Agency of Turkmenistan, the Central Bank of Turkmenistan plans to issue a family of banknotes to commemorate the country’s 25th anniversary of neutrality, celebrated on 12 December 2020. The new notes are like the preceding issues, but with a special commemorative logo atRead More…

, TMB B25 (PNL): 20 manat (US$7)Purple. Front: Map of Turkmenistan; coat of arms; Görogly Beg Türkmen. Back: Ruhyyet Köşgi (Ruhyyet Palace) building; five stars and crescent moon. Solid security thread and windowed security thread with demetalized 20 MANAT. Watermark: Görogly Beg Türkmen; electrotype five stars, crescent moon, and 20;Read More…

, TMB B23 (PNL): 5 manat (US$1.75)Tan. Front: Map of Turkmenistan; coat of arms; Soltan Sansar Türkmen. Back: Buildings; Garassyzlyk Binasy and Bitaraplyk Binasy (Independence Monument and Neutrality Arch in Ashgabat); five stars and crescent moon. Solid security thread and solid security thread with demetalized 5TMB. Watermark: Soltan Sansar Türkmen;Read More…

, TMB B24 (PNL): 10 manat (US$3.50)Red. Front: Map of Turkmenistan; coat of arms; Magtymguly Pyragy. Back: Türkmenistanyň Merkezi Banky (Turkmenistan central bank) headquarters building; five stars and crescent moon. Solid security thread and windowed security thread with demetalized 10 MANAT. Watermark: Magtymguly Pyragy; electrotype five stars, crescent moon, andRead More…

,, TMB B22 (PNL): 1 manat (US$0.35)Green. Front: Map of Turkmenistan; coat of arms; Togrul Beg Türkmen. Back: Beyik Saparmyrat Türkmenbasynyň Milli Medeniyet Merkezi (National Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan) buildings; five stars and crescent moon. Solid security thread and solid security thread with demetalized 1TMB. Watermark: Togrul Beg Türkmen; electrotypeRead More…