,,, Signature (Nils Bernstein, Governor; Lars Gerrild Sørensen, Head of Banking Services). UPDATE:New signature variety confirmed as follows. Signature (Torben Nielsen, Governor; Lars Gerrild Sørensen, Head of Banking Services). Danmarks Nationalbank has issued the following press release: 19 October 2010 a new 200-krone [US$37.25] banknote will be issued. The newRead More…

,,, According to Danmarks Nationalbank, the 100-krone (US$17.70) note issued on 4 May 2010 depicts The Old Little Belt Bridge on front and The Hindsgavl Dagger on back. This signature pair is of Torben Nielsen, Governor and Lars Gerrild Sørensen, Head of Banking Services. The following signature combo has alsoRead More…

,, 50-kroner (US$9.50), (20)09. Like the note introduced 11.08.2009, but new signature combination (Jens Thomsen, Governor; Lars Gerrild Sørensen, Head of Banking Services). 50-kroner (US$9.50), (20)09. Like the note introduced 11.08.2009, but new signature combination (Nils Bernstein, Governor; Lars Gerrild Sørensen, Head of Banking Services). 50-kroner (US$9.50), (20)09. Like theRead More…

,, On 11 August 2009, Danmarks Nationalbank issued a new 50-kroner (US$9.50) note, the first in a new Danish series intended to make it even more difficult to counterfeit or copy genuine banknotes. Among the new security features is Crane’s windowed Motion thread on the back, which was first usedRead More…