B941 (PNL): 100 kroner (US$15) Orangey-yellow. Front: Danish text; Hindsgavl dagger holographic patch; Den Gamle Lillebæltsbro (Old Little Belt Bridge) linking Erritsø in Jutland to Middelfart on Funen. Back: Danish text; flint-knapped fish-tail design Stone Age dagger from Hindsgavl peninsula; trees and field; map. Solid security thread and windowed MotionRead More…

B942 (PNL): 200 kroner (US$29) Green and purple. Front: Danish text; belt plate holographic patch; Knippelsbro (Knippels Bridge) linking Slotsholmen to Christianshavn in Copenhagen. Back: Danish text; Langstrup belt plate; lake with lily pads; map. Solid security thread and windowed Motion security thread. Watermark: Wooden Viking ship hull from SkuldelevRead More…

B941 (PNL): 100 kroner (US$15) Orangey-yellow. Front: Danish text; Hindsgavl dagger holographic patch; Den Gamle Lillebæltsbro (Old Little Belt Bridge) linking Erritsø in Jutland to Middelfart on Funen. Back: Danish text; flint-knapped fish-tail design Stone Age dagger from Hindsgavl peninsula; trees and field; map. Solid security thread and windowed MotionRead More…

B941 (PNL): 100 kroner (US$15) Orangey-yellow. Front: Danish text; Hindsgavl dagger holographic patch; Den Gamle Lillebæltsbro (Old Little Belt Bridge) linking Erritsø in Jutland to Middelfart on Funen. Back: Danish text; flint-knapped fish-tail design Stone Age dagger from Hindsgavl peninsula; trees and field; map. Solid security thread and windowed MotionRead More…

According to a press release dated 17 November 2020, Danmarks Nationalbank has issued new, updated 500-krone notes like the preceding issues, but with new signatures (Moeller), new security threads, pearlescent stripes, and embossed geometric figures for sight-impaired users to distinguish between denominations. These new notes are printed in France. TheRead More…

According to a press release dated 17 November 2020, Danmarks Nationalbank has issued new, updated 500-krone notes like the preceding issues, but with new signatures (Moeller), new security threads, pearlescent stripes, and embossed geometric figures for sight-impaired users to distinguish between denominations. These new notes are printed in France. TheRead More…