According to a press release dated 29 April 2020, “As per the authorization given to the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey by Law No. 1211, 10 TL banknotes of E9 series, version IV will be put into circulation as of 4 May 2020.
Compared to 10 TL banknotes of E9 series, version I, II and III in circulation, the signatures on 10 TL banknotes of version IV have been rearranged to include Governor Murat Uysal’s and Deputy Governor Dr. Emrah Şener’s signatures.
Except for the signatures, the new banknotes will be identical to version I, II and III banknotes with regard to their dimensions, obverse and reverse compositions, general features and appearances.
Version I, II, III and IV banknotes will be in circulation concurrently. An announcement regarding 100 TL banknotes of version IV will be made at a later date.”