B243 (PNL): 200 meticais (US$2.80) Blue. Front: Portuguese text; lion in green SPARK; tree; lion as registration device; bank logo; Samora Moisés Machel. Back: Portuguese text; stick figures; reclining lioness with cubs and standing lion; lion as registration device; outline map of Mozambique; quill; stick figures. Windowed security thread withRead More…

B245 (PNL): 1,000 meticais (US$14) Green. Front: Portuguese text; elephant in gold SPARK; tree; elephant as registration device; bank logo; Samora Moisés Machel. Back: Portuguese text; stick figures; five elephants walking in field with trees behind; elephant as registration device; outline map of Mozambique; quill; stick figures. Windowed security threadRead More…

B244 (PNL): 500 meticais (US$6.95) Pink. Front: Portuguese text; sailboats in purple SPARK; tree; fish as registration device; bank logo; Samora Moisés Machel. Back: Portuguese text; stick figures; sail boats; fish as registration device; outline map of Mozambique; quill; stick figures. Windowed security thread with demetalized BM 500. Watermark: SamoraRead More…

B242 (PNL): 100 meticais (US$1.40) Red. Front: Portuguese text; tree; unknown object as registration device; bank logo; first president, Samora Moisés Machel. Back: Portuguese text; stick figures; baskets of vegetables and fruit; unknown object as registration device; outline map of Mozambique; stick figures. No security thread. Watermark (shadow image): SamoraRead More…

B241 (PNL): 50 meticais (US$0.70) Yellow. Front: Portuguese text; tree; antelope as registration device; bank logo; first president, Samora Moisés Machel. Back: Portuguese text; stick figures; wildlife; antelope as registration device; outline map of Mozambique; stick figures. No security thread. Watermark (shadow image): Samora Moisés Machel. Printer: (Crane Currency). 144Read More…

B240 (PNL): 20 meticais (US$0.30) Violet. Front: Portuguese text; tree; bird on branch as registration device; bank logo; first president, Samora Moisés Machel. Back: Portuguese text; stick figures; plant, tree, mountains; bird on branch as registration device; outline map of Mozambique; stick figures. No security thread. Watermark (shadow image): SamoraRead More…