B431 (PNL): 20,000 pesos (US$20)Blue, green, ochre, and violet. Front: Spanish text; denomination as registration device; flowers; Juan Bautista Alberdi; book in magenta-to-green OVI. Back: Spanish text; coat of arms of Argentina; birthplace of Juan Bautista Alberdi in San Miguel de Tucumán; denomination as registration device. Blue windowed security threadRead More…

According to an article on Infobae.com dated 26 December 2023, the new president, Javier Milei, confirmed that the Banco Central de la República Argentina is preparing 20,000- and 50,000-peso notes due to high inflation. At present exchange ranges, these notes would be worth approximately US$25 and US$60, respectively. They areRead More…

On 7 November 2023, the Banco Central de la República Argentina unveiled a revised 2,000-peso note that is like B427, but denomination repositioned on front, windowed security thread added, denomination added to OVI, electrotype initials added to watermark, signatures repositioned on back, red added to vignette on back. B428 (PNL):Read More…

On 2 February 2023, the Banco Central de la República Argentina unveiled a new 2,000-peso denomination commemorating the development of science and medicine in Argentina. B427 (PNL): 2,000 pesos (US$7.30) Pink, red, and black. Front: Spanish text; denomination as registration device; facade of Malbrán Institute; doctors Ramón Carrillo and CeciliaRead More…