Jordan new sig/date (2011) 1-dinar note (B229f) confirmed
Like B229e, but new date (2011) and signatures (Dr. Mohammad Abu Hamour, Minister of Finance; Al-Sharif Faris Sharaf, Governor). Courtesy of Claudio Marana and Collect Numis Ltd.Read More…
Like B229e, but new date (2011) and signatures (Dr. Mohammad Abu Hamour, Minister of Finance; Al-Sharif Faris Sharaf, Governor). Courtesy of Claudio Marana and Collect Numis Ltd.Read More…
Today’s challenge is to identify the items which appear on the back of the old 5-dinar notes of Jordan. If you can precisely identify the name of these items—or have a lead which you think might be useful—please post a comment, preferably including a URL which links to evidence supportingRead More…
Like B230c, but new date (2010 ٢٠١٠) and new signature combination (Mohammad Abu Hammour and Umayya Salah Toukan). Courtesy of Armen Hovsepian.Read More…
On 25 November 2010, the Central Bank of Jordan announced it has a new governor. Faris Sharaf, who replaces Dr. Umayya Toukan. As a result, we may expect to see new signature varieties issued shortly. Courtesy of Mahdi Bseiso.Read More…
According to a Washington Post article dated 31 May 2010, Palestine is preparing to issue its own currency to replace the Israeli shekel and the Jordanian dinar. Courtesy of Webb Linzmayer.Read More…
Like B229d, but new date (AH 1430 / 2009) and new signatures (Mohammad Abo Hamoor and Ummaya Toukan). Courtesy of Abdullah Beydoun.Read More…
Like B234e, but new date (AH 1430 / 2009) and new signatures (Basem Al-Salem and Umayya Salah Toukan). Courtesy of Abdullah Beydoun.Read More…
Like B233b, but new date (AH 1430 / 2009) and new signatures (Mohammad Abo Hamoor and Ummaya Toukan). Courtesy of Mahdi Bseiso.Read More…
Like B234d, but new date (2008) and new signatures. Courtesy of Ricardo Castedo.Read More…
Like B232a, but new date (2007) and new signatures. Courtesy of Michael Reissner.Read More…
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