B551 (PNL): 500 dollar (US$14)
Purple, pink, blue, green, and brown. Front: Dutch text; Suriname coat of arms; Central Bank van Suriname headquarters building at the Waterkant in Paramaribo; moriche palm fruit in varifeye gold-to-blue ColourChange Patch; CBvS logo as registration device. Back: Dutch text; CBvS logo as registration device; Mauritia flexuosa (moriche palm tree); combine harvester in agricultural field. Magenta-to-green RollingStar i+ Cube windowed security thread with demetalized 500. Watermark: Bank headquarters and electrotype CBvS. Printer: GD. 140 x 70 mm. Composite (Hybrid ADDvance).
a. 1 JANUARY 2024. Sig. 10: Roemer. Prefix BQ. Intro: 23.03.2024.
Courtesy of Alex Zlotin and Charles Toussaint.