B539 (PNL): 50 soles (US$14)
Red, purple, green, and blue. Front: Spanish text; María Rostworowski Tovar; gold-to-green SPARK Live element. Back (vertical): Spanish text; jaguar; coat of arms; Puya Raimondi. 4-mm wide gold-to-green RollingStar windowed security thread with demetalized 50 BCRP. Watermark: María Rostworowski Tovar, pixelated background, and electrotype 50. Printer: (Perum Peruri). 140 x 65 mm. Paper.
a. 21 DE MARZO DE 2019. Sig. 183: Unknown/Velarde/Rossini. Prefix/suffix A/A. Intro: 20.07.2022.
Courtesy of I.B.
This is not a RollingStar windowed security thread? Should be some sort of CRANE motion thread?