According to a press release dated 4 November 2021, this 500-manat note commemorates the first anniversary of “the historic Victory of the Azerbaijani Army in the 44-day Patriotic War of 2020 under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces,” and President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

B415 (PNL): 500 manat (US$290)
Brown, red, and green. Front: Azeri text; red tulips; Kharibulbul (Ophrys caucasica) flower; Azerbaijani soldiers holding flag; Ilham Aliyev’s rallying cry, QARABAĞ AZƏRBAYCANDIR (Karabakh is Azerbaijan!); 8 NOYABR 2020 anniversary logo in gold-to-green SPARK Live; Khudafar stone bridge. Back (vertical): Azeri text; Askeran fortress; mausoleum of poet, Molla Panah Vagif (The Learned One) in Shusha; map of Azerbaijan. Gold-to-green windowed security thread with demetalized AMB 500. Watermark: Coat of arms and electrotype 500. Printer: (Giesecke & Devrient). 165 x 70 mm. Paper.
a. 2021. No sig. Prefix A. 1,000,000 notes. Intro: 04.11.2021.
Courtesy of Mikhail Plakhov, Mehdi Kasumov, Jason T. Rohn, I.B. Chingiz Heziyev (COLLECTORS TV), and Christof Zellweger.
it is print giesecke & devrient in German, Germany printing’ contain ingredients extend cotton base paper, 3d holographic strip non see through window, SICPA SPARK@Live Color Changing Magnetic Ink, Iridescent strip, rolling star wide security thread.
use this denomination is blast value to pay goods and services.
black market this value Philippine peso (PHP) worth about PHP2k pesos
even that mean unofficial rate 8 manat to the euro’