According to an article in Business Day Ghana dated 12 February 2017, the Bank of Ghana plans to introduce a new legal tender 5-cedi note on 4 March 2017 to commemorate the bank’s 60th anniversary. On 26 January 2017, the bank issued a press release confirming the new 5-cedi noteRead More…

B368 (P98): 10,000 bolívares Blue. Front (vertical): Spanish text; Simón Rodrígues. Back: Spanish text; coat of arms; Laguna del Santo Cristo (Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada); spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatos). Security thread varieties. Watermark: Simón Rodrígues and electrotype 10000. Printer: CASA DE LA MONEDA-VENEZUELA. 156 x 69 mm. Paper. a. 18Read More…