The BBC has a very interesting article dated 25 June 2015 by Chris Baraniuk entitled “The secret codes of British banknotes,” which discusses the so-called EURion Constellation (aka Omron rings) patterns’ role in deterring digital counterfeiting. Unmentioned in this article is that the simplest way to defeat this anti-counterfeiting featureRead More…

The Numismatourist: The Only Worldwide Travel Guide to Museums, Mints, and Other Place of Interest for the NumismatistHoward M. Berlin, 414 pages, soft cover, 6 x 9 inches, color illustrations, English, ISBN-13 978-1933990293, $29.95, (Order from The Numismatourist is the first book of its kind as a world-wide travelRead More…

Polymer Bank Notes of the World Stane Straus, Donald Ludwig, Marian Meyer, and Tigerson, 144 pages, soft cover, 297 x 212 mm, color illustrations, English, ISBN 9789619365908, €20 (plus shipping), Reviewed by Owen W. Linzmayer Polymer Bank Notes of the World is the definitive guide to one of theRead More…

InterCrim Press (Moscow, Russia) publishes books and magazines of interest to banknote collectors, most notably Banknotes of the World, a 40-page monthly newsletter containing news and articles covering the currency industry and the banking community in Russia and abroad. While the editorial is geared towards currency industry insiders, collectors mayRead More…

Reference book. Issue 10 In English and Russian. 30×21×3 cm 568 pages. Actualized and carefully checked information on cash circulation of all countries and territories of the world on the end of 2012; Regional geographic information for each state (location, chapter, currency, issuing bank, etc.); Peculiarities of cash circulation inRead More…