B380 (PNL): 20,000 bolívares Green. Front (vertical): Spanish text; Simón Bolívar wearing military uniform. Back: Spanish text; coat of arms; National Pantheon of Venezuela and Mausoleo del Libertador Simón Bolívar (Mausoleum of the Liberator Simón Bolívar) in Caracas. Security thread varieties. Watermark: Simón Bolívar and electrotype BCV. Printer: CASA DERead More…

B379 (PNL): 10,000 bolívares Blue. Front (vertical): Spanish text; Simón Bolívar wearing military uniform. Back: Spanish text; coat of arms; National Pantheon of Venezuela and Mausoleo del Libertador Simón Bolívar (Mausoleum of the Liberator Simón Bolívar) in Caracas. Security thread varieties. Watermark: Simón Bolívar and electrotype BCV. Printer: CASA DERead More…