B941 (PNL): 100 kroner (US$15) Orangey-yellow. Front: Danish text; Hindsgavl dagger holographic patch; Den Gamle Lillebæltsbro (Old Little Belt Bridge) linking Erritsø in Jutland to Middelfart on Funen. Back: Danish text; flint-knapped fish-tail design Stone Age dagger from Hindsgavl peninsula; trees and field; map. Solid security thread and windowed MotionRead More…

These notes commemorate the 33rd anniversary of Ukraine’s independence. They are like the preceding issues, but with the slogan of modern Ukraine—СЛАВА УКРАЇНІ! ГЕРОЯМ СЛАВА! (Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!)—added at upper right back. B867 (PNL): 50 гривень (hryven) (US$1.95)Violet, brown, purple, blue, and red. Front: Ukrainian text;Read More…