B105 (P5): 500 francs (US$4.75)
Green and red. Front: French text; papaya leaf and fruit as registration device; tapa cloth patterns (Wallis); kava leaves; bird of paradise flowers. Back: French text; Plumeria (Frangipani) and Gardenia taitensis (Tahitian Gardenia or Tiaré Flower); siapo cloth patterns (Futuna); papaya leaf and fruit. Solid security thread with demetalized IEOM. Watermark: Outrigger canoe and electrotype 500. Printer: (Banque de France). 120 x 66 mm. Paper.
a. No date. Sig. 14: de Sèze/Noyer/La Cognata. Suffix A0 – F7. Intro: 20.01.2014.

B106 (P6): 1,000 francs (US$9.50)
Brown and orange. Front: French text; parakeet as registration device; sting ray; tortoise. Back: French text; Horned parakeet (Eunymphicus cornutus) on branch; Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus) bird in flight; white terns; siapo cloth patterns (Futuna); parakeet. Solid security thread with demetalized IEOM. Watermark: Outrigger canoe and electrotype 1000. Printer: (Banque de France). 126 x 66 mm. Paper.
a. No date. Sig. 14: de Sèze/Noyer/La Cognata. Suffix A0 – F8. Intro: 20.01.2014.

B107 (P7): 5,000 francs (US$47)
Blue and green. Front: French text; fish hooks as registration device; tapa cloth patterns (Wallis); volute and 7-finger shells; nautilus; pennant coralfish (Heniochus acuminatus) and coral. Back: French text; coral and open oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) with pearl; fish in SPARK; humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) fish; seashells in border; siapo cloth patterns (Futuna); fish hooks. Holographic stripe. Solid security thread with demetalized IEOM logo and INSTITUT D’ÉMISSION D’OUTRE-MER. Green-to-blue color-changing windowed security thread. Watermark: Outrigger canoe and electrotype 5000. Printer: (Banque de France). 132 x 73 mm. Paper.
a. No date. Sig. 14: de Sèze/Noyer/La Cognata. Suffix A0 – F3. Intro: 20.01.2014.

B108 (P8): 10,000 francs (US$95)
Red and yellow. Front: French text; stone pestle as registration device; tapa cloth patterns (Wallis); two oars; faré (thatched hut) and palm trees. Back: French text; round houses; flèche faîtière (Kanak house finial) in SPARK; Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Centre in Nouméa, New Caledonia; siapo cloth patterns (Futuna); stone pestle. Holographic stripe. Solid security thread with demetalized IEOM logo and INSTITUT D’ÉMISSION D’OUTRE-MER. Green-to-blue color-changing windowed security thread. Watermark: Outrigger canoe and electrotype 10000. Printer: (Banque de France). 138 x 73 mm. Paper.
a. No date. Sig. 14: de Sèze/Noyer/La Cognata. Suffix A0 – E3. Intro: 20.01.2014.
Courtesy of Hartmut Fraunhoffer (http://www.banknoten.de).