BNP820 (PNL): 20 złotych (US$5.00)
Blue and red. Front: Polish text; coat of arms with crowned eagle; chalice and stag in underprint; Dobrawa (Doubravka of Bohemia) and King Miezko I; holographic patch; floor plan of church as registration device; staurotheke from Ostrów Lednicki (cross-shaped reliquary). Back: Polish text; chalice as OVMI feature; floor plan of church; Gniezno Cathedral; peacock from detail of Gniezno doors; royal chalice of Trzemeszno depicting Nathan and Joab crowning King David. Active windowed security thread with demetalized NBP 20. Watermark: Stag with electrotype 20. Printer: (Polska Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych). 144 x 77 mm. Paper.
a. 23 LISTOPADA 2015. Sig. 17: Belka/Oles.
Prefix AB. Intro: 12.04.2016.
Note in plain folder.
Courtesy of Jan Bogus and Hartmut Fraunhoffer (Banknote-Online).