B941 (PNL): 100 kroner (US$15)
Orangey-yellow. Front: Danish text; Hindsgavl dagger holographic patch; Den Gamle Lillebæltsbro (Old Little Belt Bridge) linking Erritsø in Jutland to Middelfart on Funen. Back: Danish text; flint-knapped fish-tail design Stone Age dagger from Hindsgavl peninsula; trees and field; map. Solid security thread and windowed Motion security thread. Watermark: Wooden Viking ship hull from Skuldelev in Roskilde Fiord and electrotype 100. Printer: (Oberthur Fiduciairie). 135 x 72 mm. Paper.
a. (20)19. Sig. 9: Møller. Suffix A1 – A4, D1, E5, F1. Intro: 29.02.2024.
b. (20)20. Suffix A1, B1, B2, B4, C2, C3, C5, D2, D4, E3, F1, F2, F4, G2, G5, H4, H5.
Courtesy of Ralf Faust, Alex Zlotin, and 4WS Banknotes and Coins