The regular issue notes have not yet been introduced into circulation, but are expected later this year. However, a specimen variety has been confirmed.

B102 (PNL): 20 emalangeni (US$1.10)
Purple. Front: English and Swazi text; King Mswati III; coat of arms with lion and elephant flanking shield topped with crown of feathers (lidlabe); shield (isihlangu), spears (sikhali), and staff (umgobo); denomination as registration device. Back: English text; denomination as registration device; flower, corn, and pineapple; steer; refinery; bank seal. Gold windowed security thread with demetalized 20 CBE. Watermark: King Mswati III. Printer: GIESECKE & DEVRIENT – GERMANY. 148 x 70 mm. Composite (Hybrid).
a. 1.4.2024. Sig. 2: Rijkenberg/Mnisi. Prefix DA. Unconfirmed.
as. Diagonal red SPECIMEN ovpt front/back; horizontal red SPECIMEN NO # ovpt lower left front; all-zero s/n.