B388 (PNL): 50 bolívares
Green. Front (vertical): Spanish text; stars; flowers; Simón Bolívar wearing military uniform; running horse; BCV as registration device. Back: Spanish text; coat of arms; Arco de Triunfo (Arch of Triumph) in Campo Carabobo; Martín Tovar y Tovar’s painting, “Batalla de Carabobo” (Battle of Carabobo). Windowed security thread with demetalized BCV. Watermark: Simón Bolívar and electrotype BCV. Printer: CASA DE LA MONEDA-VENEZUELA. 156 x 69 mm. Paper.
a. 29 DE ABRIL DE 2021. Sig. 37: Ortega/Hernández. Prefix A. Intro: 01.10.2021.
Courtesy of Billy Cusack (Pastime Classics on eBay).
Once again, actual printer is Goznak!
So far, only prefix A has been confirmed – no replacements yet but these should have an X prefix as any Goznak-printed note.
Also, availability is *extremely* limited for anything over 10-bolivar, but I guess it’s just matter of time until our economy implodes again and we get flooded with more of these higher-denomination notes.