Czech Republic new 100-koruna commemorative note (BNP102a) confirmed

BNP102 (PNL): 100 korun (crown) (US$4.50)

Green, orange, and black. Front: Czech text; flower; financier Karel Engliš; Czech National Bank in Prague; cojoined KE; holographic medal with Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk in profile; eagle. Back: Czech text; façade of Clam-Gallas Palace in Prague; coat of arms; statue of two standing men. Solid security thread with demetalized 1880 – 1981 and flowers. Watermark: Karel Engliš with electrotype flower and 100. Printer: STATNI TISKARNA CENIN, PRAHA. 194 x 84 mm. Paper.

a. 2022. Sig. 4: Rusnok. Prefix EQ, ET. 20,000 notes. Intro: 30.03.2022.

Courtesy of Evžen Škňouřil.

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