Poland new 50-złoty Pope John Paul II numismatic product (BNP812a) confirmed

BNP812 (P178): 50 złotych (US$12)

Blue, brown, and green. Front: Polish text; coat of arms with crowned eagle; world map; John Paul II holding crucifix-topped staff; Peter’s keys. Back: Polish text; Peter’s keys; inauguration of John Paul II with cardinal Stefan Wyszynski; quotation from Letter to Poles; Jasna Góra Monastery and church in Częstochowa, Poland. Solid security thread with printed 50 ZL. Watermark: Papal seal. Printer: PWPW S.A. 144 x 72 mm. Paper.

a. 16 października 2006. Sig. 14: Balcerowicz/Mastalerz. Prefix JP.


Courtesy of Krzysztof Rene, Tomasz Jazwinski, and Jacek Tylicki.

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