B366 (P101A): 5 dollars (US$3.95)
Blue, purple, yellow, orange, and green. Front: English and French text; coat of arms; 7th prime minister, Wilfrid Laurier wearing suit; West Block of Parliament in Ottawa; Canadian flag. Back: English and French text; child riding toboggan; snowflakes; excerpt from Roch Carrier’s Le Chandail de hockey, and its English adaptation by Sheila Fischman, The Hockey Sweater; child and adult skating; four children playing hockey on frozen lake. Holographic stripe. Gold-to-green color-shifting windowed security thread with demetalized 5 CAN. Watermark: Wilfrid Laurier and electrotype 5. Printer: (BAI or CBN). 152 x 70 mm. Paper.
a. 2006/2006. Sig. 13: Jenkins/Dodge. Prefix AOF – AOZ, APA – APM. Intro: 15.11.2006.
Courtesy of Dennis Lane.