Mongolia 20,000-togrog numismatic product (BNP401as) confirmed

On 2 October 2006 Mongol Bank issued its first ever 20,000-togrog (US$14.35) note into circulation (B427). A limited number of 20,000-togrog (US$14.35) notes with the watermark area on front were overprinted Great Mongol State 800 years 1206 – 2006. This commemorative was the first note in the world to use G&D’s LOOK (Laser Originated Optical Key), a security feature that creates laser-induced effects in the substrate, print color, foil, and varnish. In this case, the 4-digit serial number was written using LOOK.

The above specimen example of the overprinted commemorative has surfaced, along with reports that non-specimen notes with the commemorative overprint were available only encased in Lucite. If anyone can provide more information about this commemorative note, please post a comment. I’m particularly interested in determining if the non-specimen version of the overprinted note is available, as well as how many such notes were printed, and if they entered circulation or were sold as numismatic products at a premium to face value.

Courtesy of Eberhard Siegele.

1 Comment

  1. The commemorative notes was issued 1000 pieces and all was packaged in the Acrylic. It’s rare to find in Mongolian Market.

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