Hong Kong’s Bank of China has announced that from 13-20 February 2012 it will be taking orders for a new 100-dollar (US$13) note to commemorate the bank’s 100th anniversary. Although legal tender, the notes aren’t intended for circulation. 1,100,000 notes will be sold as numismatic products packaged in a folder for HK$150. An additional 100,000 sets of three uncut notes in a folder for HK$600. Finally, 20,000 uncut sheets of 30 notes each will be sold for HK$6,000 each. Profits from the sale of the notes will be donated to charitable organizations in Hong Kong.
BNP904 (P346): 100 dollars (US$13)
Red. Front: Chinese and English text; Great Wall of China; Bank of China Head Office building in Beijing. Back: Chinese and English text; Bank of China Tower in Central district, Hong Kong; commercial buildings in Central district, Hong Kong with Victoria Peak in the background. Windowed Motion security thread with BOC logo. Watermark: Bauhinia flower and electrotype 100. Printer: (Hong Kong Note Printing Limited). 153 x 76.5 mm. Paper.
a. 5 FEBRUARY 2012. Sig. 4: Guangbei. Prefix none, AA. Intro: 06.02.2012.
Courtesy of Terence Chan, Rafal Nogowczyk, Wilson Chow, and TDS.