Israel new 50- and 200-new shekel notes delayed until 2014


According to a press release dated 28 April 2013, the Israeli cabinet approved the details and designs of the new 50- and 200-new shekel notes to be issued “toward the end of 2013.”

However, according to a press release dated 7 August 2013, the circulation of the new NIS 50 and NIS 200 notes “will be delayed by several months, and is expected to begin during the second half of 2014. The circulation of the two other banknotes – the NIS 20 and NIS 100 – will begin a few months afterwards.”

50 new shekels (US$15)
Green. Front: Citrus trees and fruit; Shaul Tchernichovsky; microprinted poem “Oh, My Land, My Homeland.” Back: Capital of Corinthian column. Unknown security thread. Watermark: Unknown. Printer: Unknown. 136 x 71 mm.
a. 2013. Signature unknown. Intro: Second half of 2014.

200 new shekels (US$60)
Blue. Front: Fall leaves; Natan Alterman; microprinted poem “Eternal Meeting.” Back: Moonlit flora. Unknown security thread. Watermark: Unknown. Printer: Unknown. 150 x 71 mm.
a. 2013. Signature unknown. Intro: Second half of 2014.

Courtesy of Vadim Tislenko and Cleo Phas.

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