According to a PressTV article dated 23 March 2010, “The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) will issue new 100,000-rial [US$10.11] banknotes within four months, says CBI Head Mahmoud Bahmani. ‘We have ordered 100,000-rial banknotes to be printed and people will get these notes within four months,’ said Bahmani on Monday,Read More…

B286 (PNL): 20,000 rials (US$0.75) Blue and green. Front: Farsi text; Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Back: English and Farsi text; Al-Aqsa Mosque building in Jerusalem. Windowed security thread with demetalized stylized sun. Watermark: Ruhollah Khomeini. Printer: (TAKAB). 163 x 78 mm. Paper. a. No date. Sig. 29: Bahmani/Hosseini. Crescent on domeRead More…

On 19 July 2009, the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran introduced a new 5,000-rial (US$0.50) banknote with images of Omid, Iran’s first domestically-produced research and telecommunications satellite, which was launched into space on February 3. “In order to commemorate its achievements in space sciences the government hasRead More…