On 8 December 2008, the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) issued a revised 10-lev (US$6.50) note similar to the existing 1999 note (Pick 117), but with new date, signatures, and security features, including a red-to-green windowed security thread with demetalized text, watermark with electrotype bank initials, latent image, and UV elements.Read More…

,,,, 500 kwacha (US$0.15)Brown. Front: Coat of arms; dove; baobab tree; fish eagle perched on branch. Back: Elephant; workers picking cotton; Freedom Statue in Lusaka. Watermark: Fish eagle. Printer: SABN. Polymer. 140 x 70 mm. Signature 12. 5,000 kwacha (US$1.05)Purple. Front: Coat of arms; dove; murera/acacia/mopani tree; fish eagle perchedRead More…