Singapore new symbol (one hollow square) 10-dollar note (B210o) confirmed
Like B210n, but one hollow square on back. Courtesy of Jason T. Rohn and KK Lim (Collectibles Arena on eBay).Read More…
Like B210n, but one hollow square on back. Courtesy of Jason T. Rohn and KK Lim (Collectibles Arena on eBay).Read More…
Like B206h, but with one solid house on back. Courtesy of Ghassan Samman.Read More…
According to a press release dated 3 November 2020, the Monetary Authority of Singapore plans to discontinue the issuance of 1,000-dollar notes from 1 January 2021 as a pre-emptive measure to mitigate the higher money laundering and terrorism financing risks associated with large denomination notes. Existing notes in circulation willRead More…
Like B209e, but one star on back. Courtesy of KK Lim (Collectibles Arena on eBay) and Tan Wei Jie.Read More…
Courtesy of KK Lim (Collectibles Arena on eBay).Read More…
Courtesy of Tan Wei Jie ( More…
According to a press release dated 5 June 2019, this 20-dollar note commemorates Singapore’s bicentennial. The back of the note showcases eight pioneering individuals who were part of a broad cast who arrived from different lands and made significant contributions to nation building in diverse areas ranging from education, culture,Read More…
Like B205i, but three stars below ARTS on back. Prefix 5LD – 5LV. Intro: 2018. Courtesy of Tan Wei Jie ( More…
Like B206g, but three stars below YOUTH on back. Prefix 3BD – 3BL. Courtesy of Claudio Marana.Read More…
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