B219 (P44): 2 pa’anga (US$1)
Light red. Front: English and Tongan text; King Tupou VI; coat of arms. Back: English and Tongan text; whale leaping out of water; medallion. 1.4-mm windowed security thread with demetalized NRBT. Watermark: King Tupou VI, electrotype NRBT, and Cornerstones. Printer: (De La Rue). 150 x 70 mm. Paper.
a. No date. Sig. 9. Prefix A. Intro: 29.06.2015.
B220 (P45): 5 pa’anga (US$2.50)
Purple. Front: English and Tongan text; King Tupou VI; coat of arms. Back: English and Tongan text; Langi; medallion. 1.4-mm windowed security thread with demetalized NRBT. Watermark: King Tupou VI, electrotype NRBT, and Cornerstones. Printer: (De La Rue). 150 x 70 mm. Paper.
a. No date. Sig. 9. Prefix A. Intro: 29.06.2015.
B221 (P46): 10 pa’anga (US$5.05)
Blue. Front: English and Tongan text; King Tupou VI; coat of arms. Back: English and Tongan text; royal tomb; medallion. 2.0-mm red-to-green windowed security thread with demetalized NRBT. Watermark: King Tupou VI, electrotype NRBT, and Cornerstones. Printer: (De La Rue). 150 x 70 mm. Paper.
a. No date. Sig. 9. Prefix A. Intro: 29.06.2015.
B222 (P47): 20 pa’anga (US$10)
Brown. Front: English and Tongan text; King Tupou VI; coat of arms. Back: English and Tongan text; NRBT building; medallion. 2.0-mm red-to-green windowed security thread with demetalized NRBT. Watermark: King Tupou VI, electrotype NRBT, and Cornerstones. Printer: (De La Rue). 150 x 70 mm. Paper.
a. No date. Sig. 9. Prefix A. Intro: 29.06.2015.
B223 (P48): 50 pa’anga (US$25)
Light green and yellow. Front: English and Tongan text; King Tupou VI; coat of arms. Back: English and Tongan text; English text; Royal Palace building; medallion. Optiks security thread. Watermark: King Tupou VI, electrotype NRBT, and Cornerstones. Printer: (De La Rue). 150 x 70 mm. Paper.
a. No date. Sig. 9. Prefix A. Intro: 29.06.2015.
B224 (P49): 100 pa’anga (US$50)
Cherry red and white. Front: English and Tongan text; King Tupou VI; coat of arms. Back: English and Tongan text; Vava’u Harbor; medallion. Optiks security thread. Watermark: King Tupou VI, electrotype NRBT, and Cornerstones. Printer: (De La Rue). 150 x 70 mm. Paper.
a. No date. Sig. 9. Prefix A. Intro: 29.06.2015.
Courtesy of Hartmut Fraunhoffer (Banknote-Online).