B340 (P76): 100 pounds (US$5.55)
Green, orange, purple, and brown. Front: Arabic text; Eye of Horus as registration device; denomination in SPARK; Sultan Hassan mosque in Cairo. Back: English text; Great Sphinx of Giza; hieroglyphics of Kemet (black soil), ancient name of Egypt; Eye of Horus. Motion windowed security thread. 1.5-mm wide solid security thread with demetalized, 100 Pounds in Arabic. Watermark: Sphinx and electrotype 100. Printer: (Central Bank of Egypt). 165 x 70 mm. Paper.
a. 08.10.2014 – 24.08.2015. Sig. 12: Hafez.
Intro: 00.07.2015.
Courtesy of Ashraf Nasr.