B144 (PNL): 5,000 francs (US$3.75)
Lilac, orange, blue, and green. Front: Kinyarwanda text; gorilla in gold-to-green SPARK; denomination as registration device; Kigali Convention Centre building in Kigali. Back: English text; big basket with calabash inside traditional house; denomination as registration device; two woven baskets. Red-to-green Ignite windowed security thread with demetalized 5000 / BNR. Watermark: Coat of arms and electrotype BNR. Printer: (De La Rue). 145 x 72 mm. Paper.
a. 28.06.2024. Sig. 25: Hakuziyaremye/Rwangombwa. Intro: 03.09.2024.
Courtesy of Alex Zlotin, Claudio Marana, and Charles Toussaint.