B619 (PNL): 5,000 rupiah (US$0.35)
Tan, brown, green, and purple. Front: Indonesian text; tuberose flower; politician, Dr. K. H. Idham Chalid; map of Indonesia; coat of arms; bank logo as registration device. Back: Indonesian text; bank logo; Gunung Bromo (Mount Bromo) volcano in East Java; tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) flower; Tari Gambyong (dancer with scarves). Solid security thread with printed BANK INDONESIA. Watermark: Dr. K. H. Idham Chalid and electrotype 5. Printer: PERURI. 131 x 65 mm. Paper.
a. 2022. Sig. 21: Warjiyo/Indrawati. Intro: 18.08.2022.