B878 (P256): 50 reais (US$15)
Beige and olive green. Front: Portuguese text; puzzle number as registration device; head of República. Back: Portuguese text; ONÇA-PINTADA (Panthera onca, jaguar) with paws on log; puzzle number. Holographic stripe. Solid security thread with demetalized 50 REAIS. Watermark: Jaguar and electrotype 50. Printer: CASA DA MOEDA DO BRASIL. 149 x 70 mm. Paper.
a. 2010. Sig. 28b. Prefix AA, BA, BB.
Intro: 13.12.2010.
B879 (P257): 100 reais (US$31)
Aqua and light blue. Front: Portuguese text; puzzle number as registration device; head of República; coral. Back: Portuguese text; GAROUPA (Epinephelus marginatus, Dusky grouper) fish swimming among corals; puzzle number. Holographic stripe. Solid security thread with demetalized 100 REAIS. Watermark: Grouper and electrotype 100. Printer: CASA DA MOEDA DO BRASIL. 156 x 70 mm. Paper.
a. 2010. Sig. 28b. Prefix AA, BA.
Intro: 13.12.2010.
For more information, check out this great interactive presentation (in Portuguese).
Courtesy of Marco Antonio da Silva Freire.