B553 (PNL): 20 dinars (US$4)Tan, brown, and red. Front: Arabic text; school in Ghadames. Back: English text; Al-Ateeq mosque in Oujlah. Simulated solid security thread with demetalized 20. Watermark: None. Printer: (De La Rue). 148 x 75 mm. Polymer (Safeguard).a. No date. Sig. 10: Belqasem. Intro: 00.00.2025. Unconfirmed. 300-dpi scansRead More…

B093 (PNL): 50 patacas (US$6.25) Brown. Front: Chinese and Portuguese text; denomination as registration device; lotus flower; old and new façades of Banco Nacional Ultramarino headquarters building; lotus flower in magenta-to-green SPARK. Back: Chinese and Portuguese text; tree; map of Macau in 1889; denomination as registration device. Magenta-to-green windowed securityRead More…

B094 (PNL):: 100 patacas (US$13) Blue, black, and orange. Front: Chinese and Portuguese text; denomination as registration device; lotus flower; old and new façades of Banco Nacional Ultramarino headquarters building; lotus flower in magenta-to-green SPARK. Back: Chinese and Portuguese text; tree; map of Macau in 1949; denomination as registration device.Read More…

B239 (PNL): 50 patacas (US$6.25) Dark brown. Front: Chinese and Portuguese text; façades of small buildings; denomination as registration device; dragon; lotus flower; Banco da China headquarters building in Macau; bank logo; Southern Lion head in magenta-to-green SPARK. Back: Chinese and Portuguese text; skyline of large buildings; Kiang Wu HistoryRead More…

B240 (PNL): 100 patacas (US$13) Dark blue. Front: Chinese and Portuguese text; façades of small buildings; denomination as registration device; dragon; Banco da China headquarters building in Macau; bank logo; Southern Lion head in magenta-to-green SPARK. Back: Chinese and Portuguese text; skyline of large buildings; Tung Sin Tong Historical ArchiveRead More…

On 23 January 2025, the Central Bank of Belize unveiled this new family of notes which tells unique stories of Belize’s rich heritage and incorporates enhanced security features to combat counterfeiting. The new designs honor recipients of the Order of National Hero, George Cadle Price, the first prime minister ofRead More…