, 100 riyals (US$27.50), ND (2007). Issued September 26, 2007. Like P24, but new signatures (Abdullah Saud Al-Thani; Yousef Hussein Kamal) and Optiks instead of windowed security thread. Images on back shifted to make room for Optiks. Printer: De La Rue (without imprint). Courtesy of Ronny Hick.Read More…

,, 500 riyals (US$137.40), ND (2007). Issued September 26, 2007. Like P25, but new signatures (Abdullah Saud Al-Thani; Yousef Hussein Kamal) and Optiks instead of windowed security thread. Images on back shifted to make room for Optiks. Printer: De La Rue (without imprint). Courtesy of Jamal A. Alrefai.Read More…

B137 (P31): 20 kina (US$5.95) Red-brown. Front: English text; coat of arms with bird of paradise perched on Kundu drum and ceremonial spear; National Parliament building in Port Moresby. Back: English text; boar head; toea (cowrie shell) necklace from Madang; Toa armband from Central Province; shell ornament from Western Province;Read More…