On 1 June 2009, the Central Bank of Nicaragua introduced new 100- and 200-córdoba banknotes, the former printed on paper and the latter printed on polymer.   100 cordobas (US$4.95). L. 12 SEPTIEMBRE DE 2007. Introduced 01.06.2009. Front: Monument to Rubén Darío. Back: Cathedral of Leon. Windowed securityRead More…

On 15 May 2009, the Central Bank of Nicaragua introduced new 10- and 20-córdoba banknotes. Printed on polymer, the new notes cost 30 percent more to manufacture than paper notes, but the president of the BCN, Antenor Rosales Bolaños, assured the public that they are impermeable, hygienic, and last upRead More…

B593 (P109 & P115): 1 quetzal (US$0.15) Green, orange, and red. Front: Spanish text; flying quetzal bird; Mayan glyph as registration device; stylized temple with glyphs; president and general, José María Orellana; Mayan bird. Back: Spanish text; standing Mayan man and glyphs from jade Leyden plate (placa de Leyden); treesRead More…